Come on, you know you've been in this situation before.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Female Comedians let their fans Molested them and like to get Butt Naked
You know what is great about female know they would be down to give you head if you just asked.
They really don't give a shit.
Oh Sarah Silverman...what a slut.
And champion for every man's perverted desires
Sarah Silverman letting guys grope her...just because
Click here to watch the movie.
Kathy Kathy Kathy.
Just ask to motorboat the bitch and Kathy Griffin won't say no.
Okay guys, 1,000 points for whoever can name this famous Asian, female comedian.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
All Reality Porn is Fake...Except One...
Update: Want more real reality porn? Check it out here.
Ah, reality porn...if only you were real...
Before I get into that, let me tell you a story...a love story! ;)
Yes, I was in love during high school. Before I could tell her how I felt, I moved to college. How I longed to be with her. I guess I knew she had probably moved on, but I couldn't stop thinking about her.
I was downloading porn (illegally) in my college dorm. It was the first time coming across Bangbus. And my first episode was Isabelle.
Dam...she looks just like her!
Well, different enough where I knew they weren't the same person, but boy did she remind me of the girl I was in love with.
I watched...for the entire hour. They hounded her until she finally agrees to get in the van. Then I watched as they spent 40 minutes flirting and teasing her to get sexual with them. The peer pressure finally wins as they convince her to take off her top. It is all down hill from there.
Then they degrade her like a whore. Make her sing childhood songs (like "the wheels on the bus goes around and around") while having a cock in her mouth. As the stranger in the van fucks her, his buddies yell, "destroy her!" She just smiles. They then call her "whore" and "stupid bitch" while she gets fucked. "You're mean!" she says, but that doesn't stop her from spreading her legs.
Then the guy blasts an ungodly amount of cum over her face while she closes her eyes. She is smiling while giving nervous laughter. She gets dressed and says, "I don't think I'll be seeing you guys again" still smiling from being used like a piece of meat.
When she gets out, they throw her groceries in her face. That smile finally becomes a frown.
I would provide a link, but the video will probably be down by the time you click it.
Just Google "Bangbus Isabelle"
Anyway, I furiously masturbated to it, but it made me sick to my stomach...
Is this what other people did while I wasted my life on the internet?
Is it possible to pressure normal, nice girls who you just met into sucking your cock like that?!?
Could that happen to the girl I love? Has it already happen to the girl I love by some college douchbags? Oh God...
Ever since then I became obsessed with tricking some random, naive, innocent girl into letting me fuck her and dump her.
Didn't happen. Didn't even get laid in college (well I did once I transferred).
So Bangbus is real?
You said there was one that was real which one is it?
Ya, ya I know. So I couldn't stop trying to figure out if Bangbus was real or not. People said no, but it looked too real to me. Didn't find a good answer until 10 years later.
Apparently, this guy pays couples (low-life couples) to have sex on camera for money. But they pretend to pick the girls up randomly.
That is why the driver and Dirty Sanchez never have sex with the girls.
What the girls don't know is they are going to be verbally ("worthless whore") and mentally abused. But there is nothing she can do because she already signed the paper.
A lot of the boyfriends are planning on breaking up with them right after (why would you want a girl you love to be stripped naked and fucked for the world to see...even if it is you doing the fucking). They often take both shares of the money (hers and his) and run.
So the girl ends up getting completely fucked in the end.
But that would not explain the condom use with the early girls. I doubt they really thought that are ahead in getting girls to do this stuff. And you really think these guys wouldn't try their hardest to fuck some random chicks in their van. I know I would.
Was Isabelle's real? After watching it all again....maybe, I do think there is a good chance of it being real. Just like a lot of the first videos they made.
They probably went from that (real girls) to couples wanting to have sex on camera, to amateur models, and finally to pros.
Isabelle did make one more appearance on another porn site (amateur but not reality). Can't find it anymore. She probably thought, "I got fucked on the internet, nothing to hide now might as well try to make some money from it." But she got was a shame.
Other than that, she is ancient history.
So some of the girls on Bangbus were probably real at the start. And the same with NetVideoGirls.
But once the sites figured out they can make more money if they just paid girls straight up to have sex...well, reality porn was no longer reality porn.
Besides, I think the guys would rather pay hot girls and not have to use a condom on them, than get random ugly girls and have to use a rubber. I know I would go with the first option.
So they are both fake...which one is real?
Real Realty Porn
For that we have to go wayyyyyy back in time before reality porn....even before reality TV.
1992...before the internet was even known about by the masses.
The location? Europe...where sex isn't that big of a deal.
Seriously, most foreign countries all you have to do is give a girl a compliment and ask a girl for sex. And she'll say, "Ok!" if you are nice.
It comes from a company that did some borderline legal/illegal stuff (like having models slightly underage).
The company: Club Seventeen ("Video Art Holland" at the time)
The series: Excuse me...

Horny Harry (nobody knows the director's true identity), even though getting plenty of sex being in the adult industry, can't stop thinking about all the beautiful little girls that walk by him everyday.
He has the gall to film girls on the street (this is 1992 mind you...those cameras were huge) and approach them asking if they would do some modeling...
They all say no....but he persists until they come back to his hotel room.
Some of the girls are yelling and running away. But he a very kind manner.
"Wait, wait, don't go!" as he chases them.
"Oh, what is wrong? I am just trying to have some conversation"
"You are a very pretty girl, you shouldn't be mad like that"
"Oh, come on....come on"
Just proof all girls get weak in the knee if you give them enough attention.
The only problem with the series is he would take all kinds of women. Ugly or hot.
Keep in mind:
- Sex isn't a big deal in Europe
- The porn laws are nothing compared to the USA
- There was no Internet back then...they had no idea their naked bodies and faces would be accessible to everyone in the world, especially not their friends and family.
- Money was offered for their time...maybe they knew what they were getting into, but I doubt anything was setup ahead of time.
- He never fucks them (on camera). I think getting naked and even fingered is one thing, but getting fucked is on another level. So the potential for these being real girls is very...real.
Google "Excuse me Horny Harry" and you'll get pretty much all the videos on the net. Try to look for the video with the lower numbers. Probably Excuse Me 1 to 5.
Let me ask you, if it wasn't real...why do the girls almost never let the guy fuck her? Seriously?
If they did they would sell more movies, make more money, and the male porn star is going to get some free pussy...who would turn that down?
Why is that? Because it is real.
Remember, this is before reality porn and even reality TV. They didn't know if they just faked the whole thing they would make more money. Instead, poor Harry probably wasted hundred of hours trying to trick any girl he could to come up to the hotel with him. Bet there is a lot of footage of failed attempts we'll never see. Dirty, horny bastard :P
The series continued into 2004. By then it was obvious they had switched over to paid models.
UPDATE: If you like Horny Harry, check out Ugly George and the New York girls he tricked back in the 1970s.
Really Real Reality Porn...
So everything we looked at eventually became fake. Even if it wasn't a setup, the environment or the approach was a setup.
But here is the real deal. I came across a website, probably around the late 2000s.
Is anyone familiar with the pickup artist community (PUA for short)? Guys learn how to talk to women in such a way that girls are convinced to sleep with them (dumb kids, Horny Harry had already been doing this before they were born...ha I'm just being an ass here guys :P ).
Anyway, a couple of friends decided to make a porn site out of their PUA adventures. From pickup to fucking them. Showing their faces and naked bodies.
Unlike Harry, the person approaching didn't have a camera on them. It was always the buddy filming the other guy. So the clips would jump around from them in the club to a different location to showing off her naked body while she was sleeping. And sex of course.
But it was real. No doubt about it.
That was their logo...Pickup Artist Doing Porn or something like that.
The site magically disappeared over night. Keep in mind this was in America (the pornography laws are brutal here compared to Europe), everyone is sue happy and can sue for anything, the girls probably didn't know they were being film or when they did didn't think it was going to end up in a porn site, and I doubt they did the 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements (which can result in jail time) or had the girls sign a wavier.
Probably one of their friends with half a brain told them how much trouble they could get into. Like prison time kind of trouble.
I'll tell you one thing, it was fucking hot!
To finally see all those beautiful girls you see at church or walking down the street getting fuck. Dam!
Wish I had downloaded and saved all the videos and images I could. :(
There is a fake European site that has a similar concept (, but it is so staged it is stupid.
The REAL site...I can't even remember the name. Sorry guys...
That was probably the best porn site of all time, unless you are into weird, hardcore shit.
Something to think about...
So real reality porn does exist (or rather did). Rule 34!
I think Manwhore put the truth about reality porn pretty well. Whatever real reality porn there was...doesn't exist today.
I'll say this, reality porn fucked me up! I always wanted to copy what they did so much, that I gave up on finding love. Maybe I'll find someone, but the older I get the more unlikely that is becoming.
I think Manwhore put the truth about reality porn pretty well. Whatever real reality porn there was...doesn't exist today.
I'll say this, reality porn fucked me up! I always wanted to copy what they did so much, that I gave up on finding love. Maybe I'll find someone, but the older I get the more unlikely that is becoming.
To the young guys out there, stay away from porn and get a life. Or at the very least have the same balls Horny Harry has and fuck these hot bitches and live your own reality porn. ;P
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Sexual Tension Builds when Cock is Accidentally Exposed During Normal Massage
Why can't all massages end in a happy ending?
Guys just want to get rid of some stress.
Come on government, it would end crime as we know it!
Guys just want to get rid of some stress.
Come on government, it would end crime as we know it!
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