But unlike other women who just do it for attention...she really likes feeling dirty. She is one of those rare girls who have mind of a guy. Come on guys, if you were a hot girl what would you do? Exactly.
I'm calling her hot. But she has an ugliness to her, but also a hotness to her as well. Just enough hotness for me to ignore the ugliness. ;P
I think this lap dance she does on audience members says it all.
How just how guys send dick pic shes sends this
And she loves doing the sexy photo shoots. No hesitation getting naked in front of the photographer and others. Check out the photos caught by TMZ.
I don't know about you, but that last one looks like the guy is pouring water in her butthole. Where would you pour it if the photographer said more water on her ass?
Sure even classy A list celebrities have done some slutty photo shoots. But you know what the real sign of a whore is? Wearing transparent clothes in public. Come on, she isn't stupid. She know what you can see. It is basically saying, "screw little kids" I just want the eyes of every man on me.

Bottom line: Rihanna is a whore and she loves it!
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